LON-CAPA logo MSU Faculty Support

Summary: This page explains how request, view, modify, or cancel LON-CAPA course requests. There are also instructions for using automated enrollment and cloning courses.

Request a course for an official MSU class

View course requests

View or print an application form for an existing course request, if a form is required for record keeping.

Modify or cancel pending course requests

Modify or cancel a LON-CAPA course creation request for an official MSU course that has yet to be processed.

Automated Enrollment

Automated enrollment will only run if you are listed in CLIFMS as the the official instructor or course supervisor for the course.

Automated Enrollment for Team Taught Courses

If you want one LON-CAPA course for multiple sections with different official instructors for each section, the instructor making the course request must be listed in CLIFMS as instructor or course supervisor for all sections for automated enrollment to work.

Granting Cloning Privileges for Another Instructor

  1. Become course coordinator for the course you want to grant cloning privileges.
  2. Go to the parameter setting screen off the main menu.
  3. Select the link for Course Environment.
  4. There is a field to allow others to clone your course. Enter username:domain into this field. For example, if the username is smith1234, you would enter smith1234:msu into the field.
    Entering wildcards in this field will take about 30 minutes to propagate to the request form.
  5. Click the Set Course Environment button to save changes.

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