June 23rd - 26th, 2008
East Lansing, Michigan
The LON-CAPA summer workshop is hosted by Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan. The opportunity to earn SB-CEUs will be available for the first time this year. The number of CEU credits earned will be determined by how many training sessions you attend.
Workshop Goals - New Teachers
(June 23 minimum)- Learn how to use LON-CAPA technology to create and assemble resources using LON-CAPA libraries.
- Collaborate with other teachers in your field.
- Learn how other High School teachers are using LON-CAPA in their classrooms.
- Prepare a course to use for the Fall semester.
Workshop Goals - Experienced Teachers
(June 24-25 minimum)- Collaborate with other teachers in your field
- Learn new features & review advanced features, including advanced assessment tools and student collaboration tools.
- Mentor new teachers in their LON-CAPA training
Workshop registration fees and SB-CEU fees have been waived due to sponsorship.
Questions: Contact Felicia Berryman at felicia@lon-capa.org