Registration Information
As was the case last year, we are again offering both on-site and virtual participation opportunities.
Registration fees are as follows:
- Pre-conference on-site workshop (May 31st), incl. reception (May 31st):
- University of Illinois faculty and staff*: US $15
- External participants: US $30
- Conference (June 1st and 2nd), incl. reception (May 31st):
- On-site, University of Illinois faculty and staff*: US $75
- On-site, external participants: US $150
- Virtual, via Adobe Connect: US $30
The Registration Website is now available. |
The last day for refunds for canceled registrations is May 24th.
*Illinois faculty and staff can register at discounted rates. Sign-up either with a LONCAPA ID from the uiuc domain (log-in type "LON-CAPA ID" and domain "uiuc"), or with a Guest ID of the form "".